My interview starts at: 15:56

But watch the whole clip, as you will really get a sense of three very different creative lives, and how they begin and evolve in the most unexpected ways.

I have a love/hate relationship with Twitter, but one of the bright lights has been meeting people there whom I never would have met otherwise. I met Michael Dutcher, the creator of Bespoke TV, during the darkness of the Trump administration and he asked if I would share my thoughts on being a creative for his MEET THE CREATOR series. The interviewer asks the same three questions to every person on the show: How your creative career began, what inspires you each day, and to name your favorite object. The answers turn out to be so revealing. I have to say that this interview really captures me in my true non-performative state. I recognize my self and I’m glad to share that here. Perhaps it’s a sign of maturity that when I watched the interview for the first time, my reactions were to laugh at the jokes and to think: I know that woman and I like her!

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