
One of the most rewarding things about my writing life is making connections with other authors and they often happen in the most curious ways. I met Danielle Trussoni some years ago through a series of serendipitous events. I sent her a fan letter after reading Angelology, which is a dark fantasy page-turner. She wrote back, and it turned out that she had been a judge for a Barnes & Noble panel that had chosen my first book, Perfection, as a Discover Great New Author title.

We realized that we lived near each other and have enjoyed a friendship since then. And now Danielle and I have publication dates in alignment, so she and I will be doing an event through Book Yaya on Tuesday, April 13.

What does a book about a family escaping from Nazi-occupied Vienna have in common with a novel about a woman who discovers her mysterious ancestor at a castle in the Italian Alps?

Both of us spent years researching ancestry documents for our books. In my case I wanted to research my actual family tree, in Danielle’s case, she had to create a fictional lineage that would feel real to readers. There were many overlaps in process and we look forward to sharing that and much more when we Zoom with readers.

I hope you’ll join us!

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